Being on the other side of your evolution is awesome, but getting there is extremely anxiety-provoking!

I often go into an anxiety spiral when I’m staring down a scary scenario in my business – it feels like it’s going to be the end of me, but it never is. We’re often told to go for our big dreams and get uncomfortable, but do we talk about how to support ourselves and one another in that discomfort? Additionally, are we talking about what happens when taking those risks doesn’t turn out how we planned?
I’ve experienced that discomfort and anxiety a lot over the last few months, and I’ve developed a toolbelt that helps get me through & regulate my system. Here’s what has helped me in this quest to go big while battling the anxiety that arises:
-Getting alone time
-Soaking in a tub or float tank
-Movement (I highly recommend buti yoga!)
-Reduce your cell phone usage
-Hemp seed oil & magnesium
-List making (do, dump, delegate)
-Looking to future excitements
This isn’t an exhaustive list by any means, but these are the things that really helped regulate me and get me through these last few months. Save this in your back pocket to bust out when you feel your body reacting to stressful situations.