FINANCES. Love them or hate them, they are essential for every functioning business. Believe it or not, we also believe they are the main artery for your MARKETING as well – you heard that right.
We’d be willing to bet that if you don’t have a finance plan, your marketing is suffering…
Either you feel lost in what is priority or you aren’t sure WHO your target client is because you aren’t sure what areas of your business are actually bringing you income. Having a well planned forecast for the year is ESSENTIAL.
Which is why Erica, our CEO, is sharing our own internal forecasting document with the world. This document has served as a critical lifeline in understanding everything from how much she needed to pay in taxes, how much to pay herself, and even at what point we needed to add more people to our team. Huzzah! It’s truly the secret that not enough gurus and business coaches are talking about.
With the freebie you will also receive a training video from Erica herself, explaining how to use the Google Spreadsheet because she has made things uber simple – start plugging in numbers and you’ll see formulas that will begin calculating instantly! <— Yes, it’s truly that easy.

If you found this as helpful, Erica also created a full blown course to walk you through how we help our clients to budget for their business with additional spreadsheets that help you to dive into different income streams. She’ll break down how she plans for additional staff members and overall product/service goals for each area of our business. Plus, with the purchase of the course, you have access to a full on support community. Where you can ask questions, meet other women in business and have the opportunity to reach out to our team for support.
Alright, so here are all those perks, friend:
Access to Erica’s full forecasting document with additional spreadsheets to plan various stream of income.
Additional access to our marketing planning master spreadsheet that we use to plan our clients annual marketing calendars
Plus, Erica gives you a walk through about how to go from forecasting to planning your marketing calendar based upon your financial goals!
Access to your own community space where you can ask questions from other members and the Mina team.
Our team is also there to help if you have any additional questions, we can jump on a quick Google Chat or Zoom or walk you through via Voxer.
ONGOING COMMUNITY SUPPORT: Enrolling in our courses automatically enrolls you in our free community group called, The Mina Collective – it is a separate space that allows you to interact with our team and build a community of women that are all growing businesses together. We curate events and freebies for this space throughout the year as well!