Today’s episode is about something I’ve never really wanted to share about…learning hard lessons.

Learning lessons is great once you’re past them, but they still hurt in the moment (a lot!). It’s so tough to feel caught in that “ugh, if only I had known” feeling.
I’ve run into some circumstances recently that have made me realize that I could have done things better, reaffirming the fact that I am still a work in progress; I don’t know all the answers, and these are the humbling experiences that prove that to be true.
All this yuck and heaviness led me to think…what if we thanked the failure?
We tend to move pretty quickly to forgiveness, but getting all the way to thankfulness is a whole other ballgame. Maybe instead of trying to resist the thing that knocks us down and move on from it immediately we instead put it directly in front of us and really observed it and took something from it.
This next-level version of me is going to have to learn how to respond to these types of failures at a more rapid pace; maybe this is a test from the universe saying, “do you actually want what you’re attracting?” Focusing on gratitude during the moments that are hard calls in this growth and clarity that has felt really important to me as I’ve been wrestling with this recently.
Tune in to ponder alongside me and ask yourself what would happen if you looked at your mistakes and failures with a sense of gratitude.